July 1, 2024 | Azure Beatrice

Combatting CX Decline: Key Approaches for Enhancing Customer Experience

Combat the decline in customer experience by exploring effective methods and practical solutions to enhance your CX and retain customers.

Customer experience (CX) quality has been in decline, a trend confirmed by numerous publications and data points. One compelling piece of evidence is a graph from KPMG, which illustrates this decline across various segments over the past few years. The reasons behind this trend are multifaceted.



Peter Hornberger, VP of Sales and CX analytics expert at Brightmetrics, recently addressed these challenges during his Genesys Xperience 2024 conference presentation. He highlighted the real-world impacts of budget cuts, hiring freezes, and the complexities of integrating emerging technologies like AI.

Hornberger’s insights set the stage for a deeper exploration into the causes of CX decline and the actionable strategies businesses can implement to counteract these challenges. This article will delve into these issues and provide practical tips for improving your customer experience, ensuring your business remains competitive and customer-centric.

The Importance of Addressing CX Decline

The decline in customer experience (CX) quality significantly impacts businesses. According to the reputable American Express Customer Service Barometer, half of Americans have abandoned a planned purchase due to a poor experience, and a third would consider switching brands after just one bad experience. This is alarming: 33% of customers are willing to switch after a single negative interaction.

Furthermore, Forrester predicts that a third of brands will launch experiences in 2024 that are biased, inaccessible, or harmful. This underscores the critical need for businesses to carefully implement new CX strategies to avoid alienating their customer base.

Beyond these statistics, there is a financial imperative to improve CX. According to a study by the Temkin Group, companies that earn $1 billion annually can expect to earn, on average, an additional $700 million within three years of investing in customer experience. This substantial return on investment highlights the power of prioritizing CX. The same study found that loyal customers are five times more likely to repurchase, five times more likely to forgive, four times more likely to refer, and seven times more likely to try a new offering. These behaviors directly contribute to a healthier bottom line and sustainable growth.

The implications of declining CX are far-reaching, impacting not just customer retention but also the overall financial health and competitive positioning of a business. By understanding these stakes and taking proactive measures, businesses can turn CX challenges into opportunities for growth and differentiation.

Real-World Impacts of Poor CX

Everyone has a “war story” about a frustrating customer service experience, whether with a cell phone provider, an internet service provider, or another similar company. Common complaints include long hold times, numerous transfers, and automated systems that fail to understand customer needs.

Peter Hornberger aptly captured this sentiment: “When people ask me what I do for work, I often respond, ‘Do you have a war story about calling your cell phone or internet provider?’ Invariably, their eyes widen, and they start shaking their heads in frustration as they recall their last bad experience with our industry.” These negative experiences highlight the direct connection between poor customer experience (CX) and customer churn, driving measurable churn and underscoring the importance of effective customer service.

Learning from CX Leaders

Despite these challenges, some companies are setting exemplary standards in customer experience (CX). Notable examples include Tesla, Nordstrom, and Zappos. Tesla, for instance, offers at-home repairs, ensuring convenience for their customers. Nordstrom is renowned for its exceptional customer service, famously accepting a return for snow tires, which they don’t even sell. Zappos responds personally to every customer email, including those sent to the CEO. In one memorable instance, Zappos turned a mistake into a positive experience by offering VIP one-day shipping for life after sending the wrong size shoes.

These companies share common traits: they focus on creating customer experiences that are streamlined, tailored, compassionate, and easy to access. As Peter Hornberger notes, “Customers expect great experiences that are efficient, personalized, empathetic, and accessible, and great experiences will make you stand out against your competition.”

Measuring CX Effectively

A key to improving CX is effective measurement. “You can’t manage what you don’t measure.” While this quote is often attributed to management experts like Peter Drucker or W. Edwards Deming, its origin remains unclear, yet its relevance is undeniable. Knowing what to measure and how to act on those measurements is essential for driving great customer experiences.

Hornberger suggests focusing on metrics that are attainable and actionable. For example, tracking abandon rates versus wait times can provide valuable insights. A balanced abandon rate typically falls between 4% and 8%. Abandon rates below this range do not significantly improve customer satisfaction and can be cost-prohibitive, while rates above this range indicate dissatisfaction. By correlating abandon rates with wait times, businesses can identify problem areas and take corrective actions.

Practical Tips for Improving CX

To address high abandon rates, consider the following strategies:

  1. Enhance On-Hold Experiences: Improve what customers hear while waiting. Informative or entertaining messages can help reduce perceived wait times.
  2. Offer Alternative Digital Channels: Provide options like email or AI-driven chatbots to handle queries asynchronously.
  3. Increase Staffing: While not always feasible, increasing staff during peak times can reduce wait times and improve CX.
  4. Offer Callbacks: Allow customers to request a callback rather than waiting on hold, improving their overall experience.

Differentiating From the Competition

The decline in customer experience (CX) quality is a critical issue that businesses must address proactively. By understanding the causes and implementing effective measurement and improvement strategies, companies can enhance their CX and differentiate themselves from the competition. Reflect on your current CX strategies, initiate conversations within your organization, and engage with thought leadership content on CX innovation and excellence.

Moreover, a Gartner report reveals that by 2025, customer experience will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator. This shift makes it imperative for businesses to prioritize CX strategies to remain competitive in the market.

Peter Hornberger’s insights remind us of the importance of continuous improvement in customer service: “A key to driving great experience is knowing what to measure and how to take action on those measurements.” By adopting these principles, businesses can navigate the complexities of the modern CX landscape and achieve lasting success.


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